Gto Poker

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Level 1: The MacroAnalysis

Gto Poker Meaning

The MacroAnalysis evaluates the overall strategy of Hero's range. The primary focus at this level is on range advantage, position and SPR, since typically these factors significantly influence how specific holdings within the range are played.

V133 (14/1/2021) - Bugfix. Solver could crash with certain processors. Sessions can now be deleted with right-click. More detailed explanation on restoring license if it's been closed. Are you feeling lost in your quest for poker success? Solve For Why TV can set you on the right path. We cover all essential aspects of poker strategy, from preflop mechanics to advanced GTO principles, but we do so in a way that makes it easy for you to know how to proceed from one concept to the next.

Gto Poker Meaning

Range Grids
  • Join the friendliest poker forum on the planet! EARLY ACCESS: PRO GTO Ranges. Announcement 625 views 22 comments 0 points Most recent by Flawwed February 22 PRO.
  • 1 day ago  If your goal is to be a tough poker player then you should try the WPT GTO Trainer today. Register a free account here (it only takes your e-mail address to begin) to play hands and see true GTO.
  • Modern Poker Theory uses modern poker tools to develop a systematic approach to the analysis of GTO. It organizes the ideas and concepts in an intuitive manner that is totally focused to practical applications.

These grids show the possible hands which each player is likely to hold given prior actions. Hands which are more likely to be in a player's range are shaded darker. The GTOx dashboard juxtaposes both player's ranges since in GTO, strategies are wholly devised based upon how the ranges stack up against each other relative to the board.

Strategy Sunburst Gto poker solver

The strategy sunburst shows the frequencies of the possible actions at the current node for the entire range, as well as the actions available at prior decision points in the game. This visual depiction of actions can assist users in learning to assess how prior actions define each player's range, which is a critical skill in GTO.

Strategies and EV Regret

Gto Poker Software

This table shows the average frequencies and resulting EV for each possible action for the range as a whole. Also shown is the Range EV Regret for each action, which measures the maximum amount of EV that will be lost if a player takes that action with 100% of the hands in the range and can aid in simplifying strategies. EV Regret is standardized by the pot size so each player can set his/her own EV Regret significance threshold based on his/her experience and skill level. Finally, this table shows 'Fold Leverage', which is equal to the percentage of the opponent's range that folds to each bet at the nash-equilibrium.

Hand Strength Table

Poker Gto Charts

This table shows the average EV, average equity and equity distribution for each player. EV measures the expected number of chips the player will win on average if it follows the optimal strategies. Equity measures the probability of the player winning or tying at showdown if no further betting occurs. The equity distribution aids in an understanding of overall composition of each player's range (e.g. polarized, capped, condensed, merged, etc.).